Steps on How to do a Perfect Blind Installation

Blinds have become a major component of our daily lives, especially when it comes to interior decor. There is much technological advancement when it comes to blinds, from the types to the automated operation mode and so on, and so on.

Therefore, any consideration revolving around blinds in Gold Coast will require adequate information as well as sufficient know-how to match the modern trends. To have up-to-date modern blinds bringing an outstanding outlook, a good installation must be done right.


1. Taking measurements of your window

This is the first step to take in ensuring you get the fixing done right. Taking measurements of your window plays a major role in ensuring you don’t buy the wrong size of the blind. Measurements should always be taken from the inside because if some from the outside, the installation will end up being bigger than normal and non-attractive.

2. Buy the blinds accordingly

The blind you choose will be guided by the measurements you made. The colour and the type will depend on your preference, but the size must be according to the size of the window. It is important to remember that the type of operation can be determined by the occupants of the room where the blinds are being installed. If they are children, then choose a model that will ensure longevity even when mishandled.

3. Mark out your mounting

This will ensure you don’t fix your blind where it ought not to be. Sometimes blinds come with instructions or guidelines that will help you in doing a perfect job on your window. So to attain the best outcome, it is advised you follow the specified guidelines. Attach the brackets, mark out where you will be drilling and drill the holes for the screws.

4. Install the headrail plus the valance

There are valance clips that are used to attach the headrail to the valance, which is the covering over the headrail that makes it look more attractive or decorative. After this, you just place the headrail into the brackets by first making sure the bracket doors are open and then install the headrail and close the brackets. After installing the headrail, attach the valance along the headrail according to your preferred position. It should rest on the valance clips. After which you press it gently until the clips snap into the valance hence holding it in place.

5. Securing the blind wand

Not all blinds come with a wand, so if yours came with it, it is now time to attach it. The wands are for opening and closing the blinds. There is a plastic sleeve of a hook you will need to push up after inserting the wands end in that hook and then gently slide the covering of the blinds down.


Finally, besides these common installations, some blinds in the Gold Coast have additional parts that require additional installations. For instance, installing the cheap pull-down blinds holds the ends of the blinds to the height of the window you want them to hang, then mark out the positions of the brackets with a pencil, where you are going to drill the holes. After that, drill the holes attached to the brackets with the screws, slide in the blinds, and close each bracket with the string on the left and the slot turn rod on the left.



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